Ch-11(Marketing Management)


Try to solve this puzzle based on Marketing mix: CLICK HERE

Worksheet of the topic Price: CLICK HERE

Check your knowledge of Marketing Mix: CLICK HERE
Concept-based MCQ's with answers: CLICK HERE
Check the infographic explaining Marketing Management philosophies/concepts: CLICK HERE

Marketing Syllabus 2023-24 

Direct Questions
1.     What is the market?
2.     What is marketing?
3.     State the pillars of marketing.

4.     What are the features of marketing?
5.     What is the difference between Need and want?
6.     Exchange is referred to as the essence of marketing. Why?
7.     For any exchange to take place, what are conditions that are to be satisfied?
8.     What can be marketed?
9.     Who is the marketer?
10. Can the buyer be the marketer?
11. Define Marketing management.
12. Management of marketing involves a process .Name steps
13. Explain 5 marketing philosophies and differentiate between them
14. Explain the Functions of marketing.
15. What is the marketing mix and discuss its elements? CLICK HERE


1.     What is product
2.     In marketing, the product is a mixture of tangible and intangible attributes. How?
3.     “From the customer’s pint of view, the product is a bundle of utilities. “In light of this statement, explain three types of utilities or benefits offered by the product.
4.     What do you mean by Product mix
5.     Explain three elements of Product mix
6.     Define Branding
7.     Explain Brand, Brand name, Brand Mark and Trademark.
8.     What are the advantages of branding to customer and marketer
9.     What are the characteristics of a good brand name?
10.  Define Packaging
11. Explain three levels of Packaging with example
12. Why has packaging become important?
13. Explain how Packaging acts as a silent salesman?
14. Define Labelling
15. Name 12 things which are normally mentioned on labels of the products
16.  Draw the label of a shampoo bottle
17. “Labels perform important functions in marketing of products” How? 

1.     What do you mean by Physical distribution /Physical distribution mix/ Place mix?
2.     What are the two major decisions relating to Physical distribution mix?
3.     What do you mean by Channels of Distribution?
4.     Name and draw different types of channels of Distribution. Give one example each
5.     Give 4 examples of direct channels.
6.     Explain factors affecting the choice of channels.
7.     Explain four components of Physical distribution
8.     The firm has to strike a balance between the cost of warehousing and the level of customer service. How?
9.     Name the four major factors determining inventory levels.
10. The firm has to strike a balance between the cost of inventory and the level of customer service. How?
1.     Define Price?        
2.     What is Price Mix?
3.     Explain six factors affecting determination of the price of a product.
4.     Explain four Pricing objectives.

1.     What do you mean by promotion?
2.     What do you mean by the promotion mix?
3.     Define advertising.
4.     Discuss the features of advertising.
5.     What are the advantages of advertising?
6.     Are critics justified in raising objections against advertising? Click here for answer
7.     Define personal selling.
8.     Discuss  features of personal selling
9.     Write six qualities of a good salesman.
10. Define Sales promotion.
11. Name 11 sales promotion techniques with example
12. Define Public Relations.
13. Discuss methods or tools for Public Relations. Click here for the answer
14. Discuss the importance of Public Relations.

Topics to be done from NCERT Book (normally not covered in most of reference books)

  1. What is the market?
  2. What can be marketed?
  3.   Who is the marketer?
  4.  Can the buyer be the marketer?
  5.   In marketing, the product is a mixture of tangible and intangible attributes. How?
  6.   “From the customer’s point of view, the product is a bundle of utilities. “In light of this statement, explain three types of utilities or benefits offered by a product.
       Click here for Answers 

Indirect questions 

1.    1.   Goods are not bought but they have to be sold “Which marketing concept is highlighted here?
2. Identify tool of promotion mix from the following statement
(        a)   It is highly flexible as the message can be adjusted as per the situation
(        b)   It includes shorty term incentives to boost sales
(        c)    It aims at creating and managing  successful relations with public

Check the video below to see practical examples of three levels of Packaging

Check the video on the topic Designing of Label 

Check the video of Objections to Advertising

Sales Promotion Techniques



  1. most of the marketing mix elements's features are quite same ??

  2. Mam please answer my following query,i will be highly obliged!
    State whether the following is Rebate Or Discount:
    1) A Ltd. announced a discount of Rs.1000 on TV price
    2) A Ltd. announced a 10% discount on TV price
    3) A Ltd. announced a 10% discount on TV price to clear off excess inventory
    Please help me out!!

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