


Direct Questions:
1.      What do you mean by Directing
2.      Discuss features of Directing
3.      Discuss elements of Directing
4.      Discuss the importance of Directing
5.      Define supervision
6.      Discuss functions or role of supervisor/importance of supervision
7.      Define motivation
8.      Explain Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory : CLICK HERE
9.      Differentiate between Financial and Non-Financial Incentives
10.  Explain different types of Financial and Non-Financial Incentives
11.  Define Leadership
12.  Explain different types of leadership styles, its features, suitability, advantages, and disadvantages
13.  Define Communication
14.  Differentiate between formal and informal Communication
15.  Give classification of formal Communication
16.  Explain different types of Communication barriers
17.  What are measures taken to overcome communication barriers

Animated videos of type of communication barriers : CLICK HERE

Check Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory of Motivation: Interactive Picture 

Test your knowledge of Maslow's need Hierarchy theory with interactive worksheet : CLICK HERE 

Indirect Questions:

1.      Amit and Mikki are two employees from two different departments. One day during lunchtime, Mikki informed Amit that many employees will be retrenched because of computerisation. Name the type of communication. State its two limitations.
2.      “The post of supervisors should be abolished in the hierarchy of managers.” Comment.
3.      You are the Personnel Manager in a company. Your supervisor tells you that the workers are efficient and hence there is no need to supervise them. Would you! agree with him? Give reasons in support of your answer.                  
4.      Name the type of formal communication in which two Departmental Heads communicate with each other. Give any two reasons why this type of communi­cation is required.
5.      “Directing is the least important function of management”. Do you agree with this statement? Give any two reasons in support of your Answer.
6.      Explain any four factors which are likely to disrupt effective communication.
7.      “Directing helps to initiate action by people in the organisation.” Comment.
8.      “Directing is the heart of the management process.” Do you agree? Give any three reasons in support of your answer.  
9.      The workers of an organisation complain that their superior Mr. Bhupender does not listen to their suggestions  and takes all the decisions without consulting them. Name the leadership style adopted by him and explain its disadvantages.
10.  Maslow defines one of the needs in the need hierarchy as the “desire to become everything one is capable of becoming.” Identify and explain the need.
11.  In an organisation all the employees take things easy and are free to approach anyone for minor queries and problems. This has resulted in everyone talking to each other and inefficiency in the office. It has also resulted in loss of secrecy and all confidential information being leaked out.   What system do you think the manager should adopt to improve communication?
12.  There are some barriers in communications, which are concerned with encoding and decoding of messages. State any three such barriers
13.  There are some barriers in communications that are concerned with organizational structure and regulations. State any three barriers.
14.  There are some barriers in communication that are concerned with the state of mind of both the sender and the receiver. State any three such barriers.
15.  Name the grapevine network in which an individual communicate with only those people whom he trusts?
16.  The employees of TCS Ltd. have formed a dramatic group for their recreation. Name the type of an organization. Explain any three limitations of it
17.  It is defined as the process of influencing other people to work willingly for group objectives. Mention this element of directing.
18.  Name the grapevine network in which an individual communicate with only those people whom he trusts?
19.  It takes place throughout the life of the organization irrespective of people occupying managerial positions. Mention the characteristic of directing highlighted here and also explains two more characteristics.                                                                                                               
Value based Questions:

Mr .Manoj is working as a manager in JMD Ltd. He always uses harsh tone while communicating with subordinates. What values are ignored by Mr. Manoj

Indirect questions with answers

1.Ms. Hayden is a very experienced and highly qualified manager. All her subordinates respect he because she does not force her opinions on others and listens to their suggestions as well as problems before taking decisions. What values do think she has?  (1 Mark) 

[Hint: Humanity, respect and concern for others]
2.Mr. Ramesh , Manager (Operations) sets the targets for all his subordinates without 
discussing it with them. He firmly tells them that if the task is not completed than strict
action will be taken against them. Which form of leadership is he following? Explain the
situation where this form of leadership is useful. (3 marks)
 [Hint: Autocratic Leadership Style]
3.Mr. Sharan, Manager(HR) is really appreciative of fresh ideas given by his 
subordinates. He frames policies only after consulting them. Which style of leadership is
he following? Can this style be followed at all times? Explain. (4 Marks)
 [Hint: Democratic Leadership Style]
4.Mr. R. Ranjan, Manager(Operations) does not define clear goals to his subordinates 
and is not regularly abreast with their work as all the employees are skilled and
experienced in their job. Which is the style of leadership being followed by him? Is he
right in doing so? Justify.(4 marks) 
 [Hint: Laissez Faire Leadership Style]

Click on the picture below to get detailed notes on different types of Leadership styles

Check the video of the Application of Maslow's need hierarchy theory in the movie Bhaag Milkha Bhag

Check this video depicting  Leadership styles through movie clips

Overview of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs



  1. Revision assignment is perfectly designed ....thanks a lot but from where can I get the ans

  2. Really very helpful materials. Thank you so much.

  3. Very helpful questions. Thank you so much.
