
Ch-1 (Nature and Significance of Management)


Direct Questions:
  1. Define Management
  2. Explain the terms effectiveness and efficiency with example. Click for answer
  3. Discuss characteristics/features of Management
  4. Discuss the functions of Management  CLICK HERE FOR ANSWER
  5. Explain objectives of Management
  6. What is the importance of Management in business?
  7. Name the levels of Management
  8. Discuss functions of different levels of Management 
  9. Name designations of different levels of Management
  10. Discuss management as an Art             
  11. Discuss management as a Science
  12. Discuss management as a Profession       Click here for answer 10,11,12
  13. Define Co-ordination
  14. Discuss nature/features of Co-ordination
  15. Discuss need and importance of Co-ordination
  16. Why Co-ordination is considered as the essence of management. Click here for the answer
Check questions based on this chapter from the book  " Bulls Eye "  by Arya Book Depo: CLICK HERE

ACRONYM to remember Nature of Management: Click here 

Indirect Questions:

  1. In order to be successful, an organisation must change its goals according to the needs of the environment. Which characteristics of management are highlighted in this statement?
  2. Name that intangible force which creates productive relationships among resources of an organisation.
  3. Production manager tries to produce goods with minimum costs. Name the concept which is being focused by management?
  4. Coordination is the responsibility of all managers.How ?
  5. To meet the objectives of the firm, management of Angora Ltd. offers employment to physically challenged persons. Identify the organisational objective it is trying to achieve.
  6. “Management has been defined as a process of getting things done with the aim of achieving goals effectively and efficiently.” Explain briefly the three important terms used in this definition of management—process, effectiveness and efficiency.
  7. “For management, it is important to be both effective and efficient. Effectiveness and efficiency are two sides of the same coin.” Comment.
  8. “In the absence of management the productive resources will remain resources and shall never become production.” Explain the importance of management in the light of the above statement
  9. “Lack of proper management results in wastage of time, money and efforts.” Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons in support of your answer.
  10. “Management is regard as fully developed profession.” Do you agree? Give reasons.  
  11. “Management regarded as a perfect Science.” Do you agree ? Give  reasons
  12. “Management is neither as precise nor as comprehensive as the natural and pure sciences are.” Why  ? Explain.
  13. Your grandfather has retired as the Director of a manufacturing company. At what level of management was he working? What functions do you think he was performing at that level? State any four functions.
  14. Your uncle is employed in Deepti Ltd., as a production manager. At what level of management is he working? State any three functions that he might be performing at that level.
  15. Miss Amita is associated with Fortune Ltd. She told you that her workers have good relations with her. At what level of management is she? What may be her functions?
  16. An enterprise does not have any preset objectives. It worked well for some years. However, now   it finds difficult to survive. What could be the way to turn it into a successful venture?
  17. Successful organisations do not achieve their goals by chance but by following a process. Name the process.
  18. Success of Dhabbawallas (who carries tiffin’s to offices)of Mumbai is an example of which aspect of manangement  
  19. X ltd . manufactures tea. The production department produces more tea than required and sales department is not able to sell the total production .What quality of Management do you think the company is lacking
  20. What distinguishes a successful manager from less successful manager is ability to put the principles and methods of management into practice .What feature of management is being highlighted here.
  21. Management is an art and Science. They are not mutually exclusive but complimentary. How?
  22. Without effective management the resources will remain as resources cannot be converted into productive utilities. “Do you agree”? Give reasons.
  23. “Success of an organization largely depends upon its management.” Explain
    any five reasons to justify the above statement
  24. Success of Dhabbawallas (who carries tiffin’s to offices)of Mumbai is an example of which aspect of manangement?
  25.  Why it is said that management principles are evolutionary in nature?

Watch video on Management as an Art , Science and Profession

Check the video below of dabbawalas of Mumbai who exhibit very good coordination among them and are a great example of effective and efficient time management and team work.

Additional questions:

1.Why is management considered a multi-faceted concept ?

Hint/Answer : Explain Management is multi-dimensional

2. The authority and responsibility of managers at supervisory or operational level is limited, but the importance of functions of personnel employed at this level cannot be overlooked.” Comment.

Hint/Answer :Explain functions of supervisory or operational level

3. A business need to add prospects in long run. Identify and explain the organisational objective highlighted here.

Hint/Answer : Explain Growth as an organisational objective

4. The task of management is to make people work towards achieving the organisations goals, by making their strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant. Which dimension of management is being referred here?

Hint/Answer : Management of people

5. A manager applies these scientific methods and body of knowledge to a given situation, an issue or a problem, in his own unique manner. Which aspect of nature of management is being discussed here?

Hint/Answer : Management as an Art

6. In an organisation ,targets are met according to plans, employees are happy and satisfied, and there is orderliness instead of chaos. Which characteristic of management is being highlighted here?

Hint/Answer: Management is an intangible force

7. Anyone can be called a manager irrespective of the educational qualifications possessed.

Hint/Answer: Explain the point Restricted entry of Management as a Profession

8. Management is a multidisciplinary discipline How ?

Hint/Answer: Management has its own theory and principles that have developed over a period of time, but it also draws on other disciplines such as Economics, Sociology, Psychology and Mathematics. Therefore it is a multidisciplinary discipline.

9. Suppose, a company’s target production is 5000 units in a year. To achieve this target the manager has to operate on double shifts due to power failure most of the time. The manager is able to produce 5000 units but at a higher production cost. According to you what is lacking in management?

Hint/Answer: Efficiency

10.To manage is to forecast and to plan, to organise, to command, to coordinate and to control.” Explain

Hint/Answer: Explain five functions of management

11. Coordination is the essence of management. Do you agree? Give reasons.
Like a thread in a garland, coordination is a part of all management functions. Explain

Hint/Answer: Explain how coordination is required at
12. Management is a series of continuous interrelated functions. Comment.

Hint/Answer: Explain five functions of management

13. Name the force that binds all the other functions of management.

Hint/Answer: Coordination

14. What happens if there is Cooperation in the absence of coordination and coordination without cooperation?
Cooperation in the absence of coordination may lead to wasted effort
Coordination without cooperation may lead to dissatisfaction among employees.

15.The authority responsibility relationship that binds individuals as superiors and subordinates in an organization, gives rise to what?
levels of management.


  1. What is d ans to q19 indirect qs?

  2. I think I am sure that i am viewing the best questionnaire made on this chapter

  3. excellent work, really helpful !

  4. What distinguishes a successful manager from less successful manager is ability to put the principles and methods of management into practice .What feature of management is being highlighted here.

  5. great blog thanx..........

  6. Amar engaged in production of electrical goods The company’s profits and market share are declining. The production department blames the marketing department for not meeting the sales targets and the marketing department blames the production department for producing goods which are not of good quality and do not meet the customer’s expectations. The finance department blames both the production and marketing departments for declining return on investment.
    1.What quality of management do you think the company is lacking?
    2.List its two features
    3.List any two values which are ignored by employees of Amar Ltd.
    What's the answer of this question?

  7. Ans
    1. Quality of management the company is lacking is Coordination
    2.features of coordination - Coordination is a deliberate function, Coordination is an all pervasive function (Or any other 2 features)
    3. Two values which are ignored by employees of Amar Ltd are:
    Concern for organisation objectives

  8. X limited is not be able to use its resources efficiently .There is lot of wastage of raw material and machine hours. What kind of values is ignored by the organization and what would be its consequences.

  9. when i prepare for my xm i was little confused about what type of questions came...this helps me lot in identifiying question...
    m really great for uhh..
    thnxx for providing this...!!!☺

  10. thank you soooo much for uploading these videos

  11. thank you!!!

  12. Nice work thanks for sharing valuable subject matter it is really helpful.

  13. Nice work thanks for sharing valuable subject matter it is really helpful.

  14. Nice work thanks for sharing valuable subject matter it is really helpful.
